Positive Alternatives Program

In the United States, a disproportionate number of black and poor students are suspended at much higher rates than their white and non-poor peers. Black students are about twice as likely as white students to be suspended, and low-income students are about 1.75 times as likely as non-low-income students to be suspended. Discipline disparities are large for both violent infractions (such as fighting and assault) and nonviolent infractions (such as disrespecting authority and using profanity).

Black and low-income students receive longer suspensions than their peers for the same types of infractions. This form institutional disciplinary methodology (advertent or inadvertent) are among the many American institutions creating great racial inequity and inequality in this country today.

Disparities in suspension rates are evident within schools (black and low-income students are suspended at higher rates than their same-school peers) and across schools (black and low-income students disproportionately attend schools with high suspension rates). While across-district differences account for a small portion of the disparities, within-school and across-school-within-district differences each account for a sizable share of the disparities.

This zero tolerance approach to discipline is not the most cost effective method for addressing many of the minor issues associated with school discipline and juvenile justice issues. Many students under strict zero-tolerance policies are punished without a second thought. Once caught up in the nuances of this system of discipline (crime and punishment), many of the parents and these students are challenged to successfully navigate it.

Since 2009, Next Doors Charities and the Positive Alternatives Program has been working with at risk youth, families, educational institutions, clergy, elected officials, law enforcement and others to alleviate systemic racial inequity within schools and juvenile justice systems.  

Next Doors Charities Inc. is committed to finding fairness, balance and a just school discipline and juvenile justice system for all.

The program provides a wide variety of services aimed at accomplishing its goals and objectives.

PAP services provided include:

  • Individual Case Management
  • Educational and leisure programs
  • Community-based informational meetings
  • Legal Consultation  (2nd Party)
  • Legal Representation  (2nd Party)