Board of Directors

Next Doors Charities is governed by a local Board of Directors representing a diverse cross-section of the community. Board member roles are solely voluntary and members are not compensated for their services. The role of the Board of Directors is to establish organizational policies and to sustain the organization by raising organizational revenue and management of the affairs of the organization.

Current Board of Directors:


Terrence NarcissePresident

Mr. Narcisse is a resident of Houston Texas. He is currently the Executive Director for the East Harris County Empowerment Council, a 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to provide high quality programs services that empowers men, women and children to overcome poverty and achieve their full potential.  Mr. Narcisse is the founder of the East Harris County Empowerment Council.  He is active on many boards and in the community.  Mr. Narcisse is currently pursuing his MBA at Houston Baptist University.

Dwayne BennettSecretary

Mr. Bennett brings nearly 20 years non-profit management to the organization. Most recently, as Director of Development with the Texas Defender Service, Mr. Bennett was responsible for the organization’s marketing and fundraising.  In addition, as Executive Director of the United Way of Odessa, Texas, he was responsible for annually raising and managing several million dollars for the organization. Prior to working at the United Way of Odessa, Mr. Bennett was Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Victoria, Texas.

Derrick Heyward, Member

Mr.Heyward brings a variety of experiences to the organization. With over 10 years in executive management, especially in the area of community relations and community development, Mr. Hewyard sincerely wants to help our youth realize and fulfill their full potential. Mr. Heyward is currently employed as an Adjunct Professor at Lone Star and San Jacinto Colleges. In the past, Mr. Heyward was the Harris County Weed and Seed Coordinating Manager.  This multi-million dollar program was dedicated to weeding out crime and urban blight while giving Harris County residents a sense of hope and providing them with needed community resources.

A Great Place for Youth Development”